Russians Continue to Increase Capacity of Ports in Occupied Mariupol and Berdiansk to Export Stolen Goods
Cargo turnover in the port of Mariupol doubled to almost 350,000 tons in 2024, compared with 2023.

The cargo turnover of the Russian-occupied seaport of Mariupol doubled to almost 350,000 tons in 2024, compared with 2023. The port plans to commission 25 port hydro-technical structures, including 18 berths, in 2025, the CFTS portal reports, citing reports in Russian specialized media.
The Russian state program for the so-called socio-economic development of the occupied territories, implemented by the Russian Federal Agency for Sea and Inland Water Transport (Rosmorrechflot), provides for the restoration of the infrastructure of the Mariupol and Berdiansk seaports.
The assets of these two seaports were transferred from June 2023 to December 2024. In total, 93 items of immovable property, including 40 port hydro-technical structures and 33 items of the port fleet, were transferred to the occupier’s ownership.
At present, repair and restoration works are being carried out on coastal navigation safety facilities, signs, and administrative buildings; navigation equipment has been installed in the ports and on the approaches to them; port depth charts have been drawn up; and dredging is taking place.
The Russians claim that 25 port hydro-technical structures, including 18 berths and 15 buildings, will begin operation in the Mariupol seaport in 2025 after the repair and restoration works.
As reported earlier, the Mariupol seaport handled at least 65 ships in 2023.