Russian Occupiers Launch Grain Terminal in Berdiansk Port

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The newly launched terminal serves as a hub for receiving and shipping.

The Russian occupiers have launched the Nova Khortytsia grain terminal in the seaport of Berdiansk, which is located in the temporarily occupied part of the Zaporizhia region.

This was reported by the CFTS portal, citing the TASS news agency.

“We have performed initial repairs on the Nova Khortytsia grain elevator terminal and launched it into operation, and it operates as a hub for receiving and shipping cargo. We are planning to introduce automation in the future,” said Volodymyr Stelmachenko, who was appointed “director” of the Berdiansk Commercial Seaport by the occupation administration.

As the CFTS portal reported earlier, the Russian occupiers are trying to facilitate the export of stolen Ukrainian grain from the Zaporizhia region. To this end, they are utilizing the infrastructure of Ukrainian agricultural and stevedoring enterprises located in areas outside the control of Ukrainian authorities. Local collaborators have “nationalized” several key facilities, including the Nova Khortytsia enterprise’s grain elevator in Berdiansk, the Asket Shipping company’s loading complex in the Berdiansk port, and elevators belonging to Kernel, Optimus, and other grain traders.